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Swan Knights Of Dol Amroth

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The Swan Knights of Dol Amroth are the most elite warriors Gondor has available. Brave and noble, they are a memory of days long since passed. The knights of Dol Amroth plunge into the ranks of Sauron's forces to pierce the hearts of his armies and rekindle the hope of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth. The Princedom of Dol Amroth is ever ready to help their Lords of Minas Tirith in times of war and struggle. The Generals of the Swan City have long valued the necessity of Heavy Cavalry in their standing armies, and these tall and proud men are the finest knights of all Gondor. They function as both bodyguards for the Princes and Lords of Dol Amroth, and also as a vital part of Gondor's.

Lotro Swan Knights Of Dol Amroth





About this entry:

  • Updated 13 July 2017
  • Updates planned: 1

The mounted knights of Dol Amroth and Belfalas, who rode beneath the blue-and-white swan-ship banner of the Princes of Dol Amroth. These knights came from the nobility of Belfalas, and are described as tall, dark-haired and grey-eyed, being descended in large part from the ancient Númenóreans (and, it was rumoured, also carrying Elvish blood in their veins).1

During the War of the Ring, PrinceImrahil led a company of his swan-knights to the defence of Minas Tirith, accompanied by seven hundred men at arms, and they played an important part in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. It was the swan-knights of Belfalas who led the sortie that rescued Faramir early in the engagement, and later in the battle they rode out once again in the vanguard of Gondor's armies, riding to fight in the final defeat of Sauron's forces.

After the Battle, when the Captains of the West set out to force a confrontation with the Dark Lord, Imrahil and his swan-knights followed them on the hopeless journey to the Black Gate of Mordor. As the Morannon opened they made their last stand alongside the other soldiers of Gondor and the Riders of Rohan, but were saved from destruction when the Ring was unmade and Sauron'sDark Tower fell.



It is known that there was a strain of the blood of the Elves in the line of the Princes of Dol Amroth (from the Elf-maiden Mithrellas) but rumours of Elvish descent extended beyond the direct line of the Princes to the knights and nobles of Belfalas. Given that Mithrellas'half-elven children Galador and Gilmith were born twenty generations before the War of the Ring, it is indeed perfectly possible that some among the swan-knights could also claim distant descent from the Elf-maid Mithrellas.

See also...

Battle of the Pelennor Fields, The Ship and the Silver Swan


About this entry:

  • Updated 13 July 2017
  • Updates planned: 1

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Minecraft Knight Armor Mod

Dol Amroth armour is the armour set worn by the Swan Knights of Dor-en-Ernil. Like all armour sets, it comprises a helmet, chestplate, leggings, and boots. Altogether, the armour set provides 15 ( ) protection points. This armour set is characteristic in its use of swan feathers in addition to iron ingots for crafting, giving it an elegant finished look, but also making it very rare. Sep 04, 2006.

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